“Arise, my beloved, and come!” (Song 2:10)
The goal of formation for Postulants is to
discern whether or not they are truly called by God to serve in a
religious association, particularly this one.Postulancy is a period of discernment that lasts from 6 months to one year depending on the readiness of the candidate to advance to the level of Novice.
Duration may be extended for up to one year. If at any time during Postulancy the candidate decides that our way of life is not for her, she is free to leave. Conversely, if the Counsel decides that the candidate is not suited to our way of life, she may be asked to leave.
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“I will allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak to her heart” (Hosea2:16)
“The Novitiate marks the beginning of a Daughter’s life in the community” (cf. Cannon 646), and is ordered so, “that the Novices better recognize their Divine vocation and one which is, moreover, proper to the Institute, that they experience the Institute’s manner of living, that they be formed in mind and heart by its spirit and that their intention and suitability be tested. (Directives of Formation, #45)Purpose, Aim & Objective for Novices includes:
- - Integration in to community living & active participation in community prayer life
- - Developing a deeper understanding & living-out of the Evangelical Counsels
- - Growing in relationship with Jesus Christ, their Divine Bridegroom
- - Practice of living penance
- - Growing in knowledge of Scripture
- - Developing a generous, selfless spirit
- - Cultivation of virtues, especially self-sacrificial charity
- - Introduction in to bringing Communion to the homebound and institutionalized
- - Ability to becoming a Lector for Convent Liturgies

Profession of Vows
“I will espouse you in fidelity, and you shall know the Lord” (Hosea 2:22)
Following Novitiate, the sisters make their First Profession of Vows. Our sisters profess the Evangelical Counsels with a 4th Vow to uphold the Dignity of every human person from the moment of conception until natural death for one year. This may be renewed for another year and then for a period of three years. After five years of temporary Vows, she is eligible for Perpetual Profession.
After five years of temporary profession, she is eligible for perpetual profession.
On-Going Formation
Religious life brings together disciples of Christ, who can only bear fruit if they are motivated by a profound continual spiritual renewal. The aim is that each daughter realizes that in giving her life to the service of the Lord, she belongs to Him alone.
Spiritual development is fostered among all professed members so that they never lose sight of the spiritual component of their lives. Individual and community retreats are to be taken on a yearly basis. To deepen our relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ, all professed daughters are encouraged in spiritual reading, prayer and contemplation, spiritual activities and “prayer in action” within the apostolate.
LG47-“Let each of the faithful called to the profession of the evangelical counsels, therefore, carefully see to it that he persevere and ever grow in that vocation God has given him. Let him do this for the increased holiness of the Church, for the greater glory of the one and undivided Trinity, which in and through Christ is the fount and the source of all holiness.”